Thursday, May 21, 2009

An Eventful Weekend

Micha after recieving his diploma as "Meecha Cain Bailey". Yeah he was pretty pissed when they pronounced his name wrong!!
Olivia and I at the graduation(very bad angle)
Maddy playing with my camera at the graduation
This weekend Micha graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a degree in Finance. It has been a LONG road for him to get here. I am very proud that he was able to have a full time job, be a full time dad/husband, and be a full time student. I know that his hard work and dedication will pay off. I feel awful b/c we were so busy and pressed for time all weekend that we didn't even get a pic of him in his cap and gown(he might just have to put it on and we can take some pics :) ).

Micha's truck "strategically" packed with everying that wouldn't fit in the U-haul.
1702 Calgary Trail- Our Home........makes me a little teary eyed to see this pic. I loved this house and the memories we made in it. We decided to move to Dallas, Texas in the pursuit of a job. We are hoping a bigger and better market will prove successful for Micha. We know there are many who disagreed with our decision to just up and leave but we feel good and confident about our decision and if it doesn't work out then we move on from here. We are taking a huge leap of faith and trust in the Lord that everything will work out! It was hard to say goodbye to family, friends, and Arkansas. Arkansas will always be our home and we will be back often for visits! We will miss everyone's love and support.
The missionaries came and helped us load up our truck since it was P-day. They are some great elders and we will miss them!
We celebrated Olivia's birthday a week early since we were moving. It was nice to have one last get together before we moved.
Oliva after eating her cake, I think she enjoyed it:)

The Birthday Girl!!

This video is HILARIOUS to me!! She really enjoyed her cake and didn't want to miss any of it!! This girl is so crazy and fun! We love you so much Olivia Lee!! Happy 1st Birthday.


Trish said...

Loved the video! I needed a good laugh :D

Clare said...

Just because you're not in Arkansas doesn't mean you don't have our love and support, it just means we make you work harder for it :) I hope the job hunt proves successful! We miss you bunches!

Sarah F. said...

That is one messy birthday girl! I love the first birthday, it is one of my favorites. Good luck in Texas, I hope you find everything you are looking for.

jennifer rogers said...

man that girl can eat! I loved made me teary eyed....i miss you guys more than you will ever know! I feel a little lost without you...that's why I don't call you all the time it will remind me that ya'll aren't here!

Candice said...

Oh my, I don't check blogs for a month and then people end up moving! Congrats to Micha on his graduation, that is wonderful! Can't wait to hear about your adventures in Dallas... my husband has always been a fan of TX/AZ area, and I agree about there being a better job market, especially for finance. Kris graduated in economics and we've come to find that those big cities are the hot spots until you get some experience and can then choose any town you'd like.

Happy late birthday to Olivia - I loved the video clips, and that pic where she's reading 'Olivia.'

Oscar & Dollie said...

Don't feel sad. Don't feel bad. You have to do what is best for your IMMEDIATE family. It's a hard thing to do; leave your comfort zone... leave your comfort state/city... But taking the first step is always the scariest. And don't ever forget you have people who love you in lots of different states. :)