Madison called me Monday while I was out and told me her tooth was broken and it was bleeding. I immediately freaked out because it wouldn't have been the first time. After talking to her and then Jenny, I found out the tooth was loose. Madison had her top teeth pulled when she was 3 because she had fallen and chipped them. So this was her first official loose tooth. She was very excited about it. She then asked when we were going to go to the dentist so they could pull it out. I explained that she would have to pull it out when it was time. She wiggled it and messed with it for a couple of days and last night she asked if I would pull it out for her. I got it good and loose and told her to pull it the rest of the way and she did. She started jumping up and down and ran to show Micha. She asked if the tooth fairy would give her $100 for her tooth. Well she didn't get $100, she got $5 and she was thrilled when she woke up. She went running through the entire house showing everyone. She has another loose tooth and is looking forward to loosing it so she can get another $5.
Looks like the tooth fairy may need to keep a secret stash of cash nearby just in case :)
Wow, you are so nice to help her wiggle it loose - I'd freak out and tell her to eat apples. I love how excited kids get :)
Sure miss you guys, so happy you are doing well; but would be glad if you came back.
First tooth is so fun to lose! Aidan has not lost a tooth in a long time and he is getting anxious for another. He is much better at knocking others teeth out.
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