Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ice Cream and the Zoo

If you pet this elephant it would start making elephant noises and then spray air out of its trunk.

The kids touching some water ball thing, they thought it was pretty cool.
The high was only 80 degrees so we decided it would be a perfect day to take the kids to the Salt Lake Zoo. The kids had a great time. There was a baby giraffe that was only a week old and Maddy loved it.
David enjoying his ice cream away from all the girls.
Olivia, Maddy, and Maggie enjoying their ice cream.

Olivia was eating ice cream outside and decided to share it with Winston, aka "Woo Woo". Now don't let this video deceive your perception of Olivia, she has turned into quite the stinker lately. She has started throwing herself on the floor and kicking her feet when she doesn't get her way. She even gets angry at me and yells if I put on the wrong show for her or pick out the wrong shoes. I don't remember this stage with Maddy, although I am sure she went through it. Church is pretty much impossible and ridiculous! I spend 2-3 hours chasing her around the church and I am completely exhausted by the time I go home. One benefit of living in Utah is living 2 houses from the church so it is very convenient to just go home instead of dealing with my precious child. Olivia is really starting to talk. She says bath, woo woo, pat pat(Little Einsteins), nana(banana and her pacifier), dada, bye, up, and yeah. She has also started shaking her head no and blowing kisses. She is a very funny and entertaining girl, but man does she have some attitude!


jennifer rogers said...

what?? a devaux and bailey mix having an attitude? That's just ludicrous!

Bailey said...

I know right. You'd think she were your kid :)

Candice said...

I love those water balls! That was so cute that Olivia liked feeding your dog, I was just waiting for her to stick it in her mouth when he was done, like I would have done at that age!