Olivia is 17 months and is getting too big, too quick. She is talking like crazy and is beginning to repeat more things you say. She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse still and wants to watch it first thing when she wakes up. She screams from her bed "Show, Show", when she gets up in the morning and is ready to watch Mickey. She loves sitting in the kitchen sink and in my bathroom sink. She is always in my bathroom sink every morning while I am getting ready. She also loves to walk Winston. She will get his leash anytime she wants to take him out. Olivia climbs into her booster seat when she is ready to eat(which is about 8-10 times a day). She also has quite the temper when things aren't going her way!! She get's that from her father:)
I haven't checked in on your blog lately. I really didn't recognize Olivia with all her hair. She's beautiful. Hope ya'll are doing well!
holy moly! Olivia is so big! It feels like it was yesterday that we ran into you at the store and you were STILL preggo with her!
And Maddy looks like she's grown a foot!
Loved the Halloween costumes...super cute!
Love your guts!
That's my favorite, sink-sitting, how funny! She sure is growing fast and looking adorable of course :)
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