Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Olivia's Surgery

I love this picture!! This show's her love for Doctors!!! :)
About a week and a half ago, Micha found a small lump on Olivia's jaw. It felt like a small gumball and kind of freaked us out. We took her to the pediatrician and they thought it was an infected lymph node and put her on some antibiotics. They said if it didn't change in size or get better to bring her back. Well it didn't so we took her back. A couple of pediatricians checked it out and thought it best to take her to a pediatric surgeon. So the next day we took her in and he thought the same thing as our pediatrician and said she need to have it removed. We took her in this morning at 7:00 am to get her all ready. The above pic is after getting her dressed in the hospital clothes, not a happy camper. They gave her some "happy" medicine to make the transition of leaving us easier and we sent her back for the procedure. The doctor told us when he made the incision, there was a lot of puss(sorry for nasty details) and the lymph node was pretty much destroyed. So he removed it and cleaned it up. They left a small draining tube that we will get removed on Friday. She did great and we are happy and grateful it all went well.


Clare said...

I'm hoping she recovers well and it's nothing serious! Love y'all!

jennifer rogers said...

I love that picture and man she looks very unhappy :) I've never seen a devaux look like that before......

dannynstephstoddart said...

LOVE that pic... she looks pissed! HOpe it all went well!

Candice said...

I'm so glad everything is ok, I'm sure you were calm since you've always been pretty good like that. I'm pretty sure I'd freak out over a little fever. I've got a lot to learn! I'm due May 3rd, and will post more soon - sorry that I suck at blogs!