Thursday, June 9, 2011


Just thought I would share our latest news with everyone that doesn't already know.  We are expecting baby #3 in January 2012!!  Yikes, number 3, which means Micha and I will be outnumbered!!  The girls are very excited about a new baby, they are already throwing out names.  So far we have vetoed all of them, especially Livy's suggestion of PooPoo.  I get a little overwhelmed thinking about having 3 kids, when 2 stress me out to the max already!  But, being the kind wife that I am, I gave Micha one more chance for that beloved boy he is so wanting(which means this will be another girl)!    I went to the doctor yesterday and I got a prescription for Zofran to help with the nausea and can I tell you, I LOVE ZOFRAN!! Now, I can look at food without wanting to vomit! Sorry for anyone who has to be around me for the next 7 months, it won't be pleasant!! 


dannynstephstoddart said...

What?! This is brand new information that Jen did NOT tell me! ;) I'm super excited we all are having babies at the same time... (OK probably funner for you two since you actually SEE each other... but still!) I'm so excited to find out what ya'll are having! (I'm reallly starting to hope this is a girl cuz I do NOT have the desire to go thru this again!) Congrats again... I'm glad Zofran works for you...wish I had the same luck. Yay for babies! ;)

Danielle said...

Congratulations!! Oh, yeah, three is wild. You will be playing zone from now on. :)

Julie said...

I am so happy for you! Travis tried three times to get his boy. Oh well. I wouldn't know what to do with a boy anyway. Three is when the chaos begins.

Unknown said...

Yay!!! So happy for you guys. Sorry your pregnancies are so miserable. You have such gorgeous kids so here's to one more!

Andrea said...

COngrats on the pregnancy and the Zofran.