Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Spotlight's on Maddy

Madison's class spotlights one student a week and it was her turn this week.   I love how she said she loves to play with her sister, but it bugs her when she gets into a fight with her(which is how all their playing ends).  And it was so sweet that she said what she hates the most is waiting for dad to come.  Micha and Maddy have a special bond and love spending time together.  Micha has been working very long hours lately so Maddy has really been missing him! I enjoyed reading all Maddy's responses and her teacher's comments.


jennifer rogers said...

cute! I love that kid!

Clare said...

that's so neat that the school does that, and I bet she was thrilled about it! now go break up that fight :)

Andrea said...

I love that she said that too.