Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ellie-5 Months Old

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Ellie is rolling ALL over the place!  She gets all over the room by rolling around.  She is also getting up on her knees and it almost looks like she is about to crawl!  I definitely am not ready for a crawler, lets stick to the rolling.

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She stared eating rice cereal and fruits/veggies.  She has been pretty disgusted by the fruits but loves all the veggies so far.

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She is sitting up pretty good on her own until she gets excited and kicks her feet.

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She is grabbing at everything in sight.

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She loves to play Patty-Cake and Peek-a-boo

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She loves bath time and kicks like crazy the whole time!  The person giving her a bath is usually soaked by the end of the bath.

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I know I am biased but I think she is absolutely precious!!  These 5 months have flown by!  These days when they are this little goes by so fast and I am trying to enjoy them(just in case she is our last).  I love to see Maddy and Livy interact and play with her.  They adore her and are always willing to help with her.  Maddy has started reading to her everyday and Livy is always quick to grab Ellie’s favorite toy when she is upset.  Ellie’s crib is still in our room, I’m just not quite ready to move her out.  On the other hand, Olivia is excited to have a new roommate soon.  We’ll see, maybe the big 6 month will be a good time.

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