Friday, March 7, 2008

Birthday and Snow

Happy Birthday to me!! This is definitely an unusual birthday for me this year because I woke up to it snowing outside!! Its March 7 and it is snowing, that is just crazy and it kind of stinks. Luckily its not as bad as they thought it was going to be but it still puts a damper on my birthday plans, like shopping and going out to lunch!! Micha made me a ham and cheese omlette for breakfast, it was his first one ever and it was way good. Maddy gave me her present, some black sparkle shoes. She picked them out all by herself. They went into the shoe store and the lady asked if she could help them and Maddy said "I'm buying my mommy a birthday present" She runs down the isle, saw the shoes and said"OH, these are perfect for mommy."
By the way we are saying that I am 25!!!!

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