Friday, April 18, 2008

DeVaux Get Together

My Dad was called as the new Bishop in Hot Springs so the whole family was able to come down for the weekend. It was great to have the whole family together(except Gabe and Big David). The kids had fun playing with all their cousins and enjoyed fighting with each other even more. A lot has changed over the past year so it was nice to just be together, especially the girls, we were able to catch up on all our gossiping that all the husbands get onto us for. They might not do the gossiping but they sure like to hear it!! It was a great weekend that went by too fast.

Jenny with Maggie and Kaylee at my house. I don't think Maggie wanted her picture taken.
AdaBelle giving Matthew kisses. How sweet!
Maddy took this picture of us. Not bad Maddy!
David taking a little break in Maddy's bed from all the craziness at our house.
Oscar with Little Oscar and Matthew.
Micha and Gabby playing together, I think they bonded over the weekend. If only Micha had long hair for Gabby to hold! It seems that Gabby doesn't like to wear clothes in Arkansas either.
I'm not really sure what Mom is so shocked about.

Maddy and Micha playing Connect Four
Luckily it was a very pretty weekend, so the kids got to spend a lot of time outside playing. Mom bought this little game thing for the kids and they loved it. That's Thomas going after AdaBelle, I guess David's not the only victim of Thomas. :)The twins definitely love to eat. They are so stinkin' cute!! They were so fun to watch and play with.

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