Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I have a memory...

Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses.
If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. :)


Trish said...

I remember tying you up one night while you sleeping just because I thought it would be funny. And oh was it funny when you woke up and tried to stretch and then fell on the floor squirming around. Ahhh, memories!

Nick and Ashlee Weber Family said...

I remember that summer we went to the Dixie's Chicks and Tim & Fatih concerts. So much fun!! I remember the sexy pleather pants we wore. I think my were bright blue.

Unknown said...

I remember nothing meaningful! Just talking at church, maddie coming to ballet classes, boating on Lake Hamilton...

Melissa said...

I remember you doing the quote from "Clueless" at the Young Women's presentation. So funny! You had the accent down!

Unknown said...

When you were really little you always wanted to hang out with me & my friends when they would come over to play so you would be my "slave" so you could be around us. It was great. I also remember when you jumped out of the van in the alco parking lot because you were mad you couldn't get some toy and told people at church that mom pushed you out of the van. I'm still suprised you survived childhood. I guess you get your payback with Maddy :)

Jennifer said...

I remember a sleep-over at Clare's house where I first realized that some people (you :) indeed were not a morning person! I thought it was one of the funniest (or scariest!) things I'd seen up to that point in my life!

Clare said...

One of my earliest memories of you is when we were little (I was probably 6 or 7) and my mom met your mom somewhere, and while our mom's were outside the cars chatting, you got in the driver's seat and put the car in gear. At least I think it was you...

And I remember all our fun times driving around, going to the movies, going to wherever Jennifer was babysitting after the kiddos were asleep.

Good times.

And that's fine about not coming back to RS, I knew you had to go take care of Olivia. What's your calling?

Nick and Ashlee Weber Family said...

I remeber the time that we were all hanging out at the condo where my brothers and I were living while working for the US Forest Service, and the power went out and you asked if the toilet still worked. Those were fun days!

Jen T. said...

I have too many embarrassing memories to choose from, but one on my favorite is the time you said to Maddy, "Don't tell me no again. Now, do you want a spanking?" Maddy said, "No!" And you got mad at her for telling you no!!!

Dave said...

Pam, I don't know you very well at all. My first memory of you was at church. I was visiting my parents, and saw you sitting with Micha. I said to mom 'Is that Trish?'. And she was no, that's her sister Pam. Anyway, I said hi and the three of us visited for a bit. I couldn't help but think that Micha managed to find someone way out of his league :-)

(Don't worry Micha, because I certainly married up as well!!)