Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chicken Wings

April 2011 119

Maddy had a writing assignment at school.  She was  to write about her favorite food!!  I will retype it incase you can’t see it. 

“I love chicken wings.  Thay taste jest like regler chicken but a lot of crispyer.  I yooshaly(usually) eat them in May. Where I get the chicken wings is the chicken wing street.  When you cook it it sonds like bobbls(bubbles) poping.  The chicken wings look like a (large) head on a big fat stick.  It fills like a gresy crispy juce stick.  I ador chicken wings.”-  Madison Bailey

Micha and I loved this!  Madison was very proud of it to because she scored a 20/20 on it. 

Speaking of Madison, she came home from school complaining about the back of her jaw and right under her ear.  I could tell by looking at it that it was swollen and she flinched at any touch to it.  So I took her to the Dr. this morning and as soon as she saw it and felt it she said that was a sign of the Mumps! I freaked out for a brief second!  But she looked through all her records and she had both immunizations for it so she said it must be a viral infection.  Which means there is nothing to take for it except tylenol!  And she can’t go to school until it’s gone.  My kids get the weirdest things!  Here’s hoping she can go to school by Thursday(for my own sanity)!!


Dave said...

that paper is awesome. my favorite line is

"It fills like a gresy crispy juce stick"

i think we could write a song about that.

Jen T. said...

Wow! David and I were cracking up over this! It must have been her dream assignment! Nobody loves food more than Maddy!:)I miss her insights on life!!

Danielle said...

I made a comment earlier, but it didn't take. I love how she described chicken wings with all of her five senses - her love for them definitely comes through. So hilarious!

Trish said...

Spoken like a true Bailey/DeVaux hybrid!

Andrea said...

That is so cute. I love seeing how kids stretch their words.

I hope she feels better soon.

jennifer rogers said...

that is the funniest thing i've ever read! only a bailey/devaux would write a paper on food i'm just suprised that it have anything to with bacon!! that girl is funny!

Margie Quilter said...

She is so funny! I hope she is ok though... is she better??