Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One Month Old

Chillin' in the "mini LazyBoy"
I thought these shirts were too cute. Olivia's says, Little Sister, AKA "The Princess" and Maddy's says, Big Sister, AKA "The Diva". And of course, Winston had to get in the picture.
She looks thrilled that I am taking her picture!
Maddy took this picture of Olivia and me.
Olivia is one month old today. She has been such a good baby so far. She still pretty much sleeps all day and night. She has about 2 hours in the morning and in the evening that she is awake. I am putting her in her crib at night and she is doing great so far(I moved her crib into our room, it makes it much easier on me). This is a great accomplishment for us if you know our history with Maddy and sleeping with us.

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