Monday, March 23, 2009

Leo Roy Beard

I came up to Dallas last Thursday and had planned on coming back on Saturday, just wanted to get out of town for a couple of days. After getting here we found out that my Grandfather, who had been quite ill the past couple of months, had gone into cardiac arrest and the results were not looking good. He was in an induced coma for a day and then brought out of it Friday morning, but sadly he had no brain activity. He passed away Saturday night at 10:30 surrounded by his family and loved ones. He was the only Grandpa I have really ever known and will greatly be missed. We will attend his funeral on Wednesday in Austin, Texas, and though it is a sad time, it will bring together all of his family in one place where we can rejoice the wonderful life he has lived and the lives he has touched.

"Don't cry for me. There could hardly be a better life than that which mine has been. Starting with wonderful parents and three older siblings (later two younger siblings), I have been blessed with an abundant and happy life, including two wonderful marriages, three children of my own, four step-children, and so many friends, including professional associates throughout the world. The world has been full of good for me. My cup runneth over a thousand fold!" -Roy Beard


jennifer rogers said...

i like that quote....your grandpa was very profound...

Clare said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Pam. I hope y'all have a safe trip there and back.

Jannah said...

I just stumbled on your blog while I was searching my grandfather's name. I'm Jannah Beard Pettibone. I'm Roy's youngest son's daughter. I would love to talk to you about the funeral and what you knew about him in the last few years. You can email me at I also want to know how Marj is doing. Thanks,

Jannah Pettibone