Monday, August 11, 2008

Swimming, Gymnastics, and Museums

Olivia passed out playing on her mat and watching swimming on the Olympics.

Ward Pool Party


Sorry, I don't know why these pictures came out so horrible. This is Maddy at gymnastics. Her favorite is the bars and man can do them. She is pretty fearless when it comes to the bars and basically any apparatus. It's pretty fun to watch her.

Discovery Museum

We went to the Discovery Museum downtown last week with some friends. It was great, the kids played and we got to just sit and talk for about 2 hours. We never even made it out of this area to the rest of the museum.


Jen T. said...

Maddy sure does look like the little gymnast. Very cute pictures!!

jennifer rogers said...

i loved maddy in her tutu..very cute! I'm glad Olivia is using that mat...we've got an exersaucer with her name on it....