Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another Tag

Four places that I go over and over:

1. Target. I never get tired of going to Target.
2. Krogers. If I only had a Super Target then I wouldn't have to go to Krogers!
3. Ginas. It's the best sushi place ever!! I would also go there everyday if I could b/c you can never get enough delicious sushi.
4. McDonalds. Maddy's favorite place to go.

Four people who email me regularly:

1. Gabe. He is on a mission and emails every Monday.
2. Baby Center. I get weekly updates about Olivia.
3. Southwest Airlines
4. Relief Society. They send out weekly emails.

Four of my favorite places to eat:

1. Gina's Sushi
2. Abuelos. The closest one is in Dallas but I have to go there everytime I am in Dallas. It is the best mexican ever!!
3. Hunans. Yummiest chinese food.
4. Chik-fil-a. I love their chicken sandwiches with buffalo sauce on it and their lemonade.

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. At a beach that isn't getting hit by the hurricane.
2. Getting a pedicure.
3. On a date with my hubby, just me and him.
4. In Utah, visiting my sisters.

Four TV shows I watch:

1. Desperate Housewives
2. Gossip Girl
3. Big Brother
4. Lost

I tag JP, Clare, Marcie, and Ashlee

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