Wednesday, February 25, 2009

9 Months Old!!

This is the first time she fell asleep in her high chair. So sweet.

Olivia loves to play Peek-a-boo. I was changing her diaper this morning and she was covering her head with her gown.
Olivia started crawling on all fours all the time now. She no longer does the army crawl. She started pulling herself up on on everything. She now throws quite the fit when you take something away from her. She is still obsessed with peoples hair! She loves to pull anyone's hair, even Winstons. She has become very aware of me and when I am not with her. We are going through the mommy phase right now, can't say I am huge fan of that. I think we might be over the horrible sleeping phase. She had a double ear infection about a month ago and bed time was pretty miserable for a while. We are just getting back into the swing of things. Olivia started going to bed on her own again(thank goodness), now she just cries for about 5 minutes before she passes out. She is a very active and vocal girl who we adore. She is always making us laugh and entertaining us.


jennifer rogers said...

too cute! I can't believe she's already 9 months old! It goes way too fast!

Candice said...

I love that picture with a basket of some sort on her head in front of the fireplace! That's funny that the hair pulling goes beyond humans to dogs too :)

Margie Quilter said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!