Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Madison’s Baptism


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Madison was very excited about her dress and picked it out herself.  I had another one picked out but she didn’t approve.  I thought she made the perfect choice.

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Madison with Micha’s Parents, her Primary Teachers- The Davis’s, and my parents.

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This was the actual dress that Madison was Baptized in.  It is the dress that me and all my sisters wore on our Baptism Day.  Maddy was excited to be wearing such a special dress.  When she tried it on I asked her what she thought and she responded, “I like it except for this collar, it looks like an old lady collar.”  So, we tucked in the collar and she was happy. 

Jan 2011 153

Madison turned 8 which meant she was able to get baptized.  She has been looking forward to it for the past couple of months.  I had been stressing about it for the past couple of months with a new baby on the way.  We decided to go ahead and set a date for January 7 (6 days before my due date) and go from there.  We didn’t have anyone coming from out of town so a reschedule wouldn’t have been that big of a deal.  The Baptism turned out wonderful.  Madison asked both Grandmas to speak and they did amazing jobs.  Micha baptized and confirmed her.   Her uncles and grandpas were also able to stand in on the confirmation (it was a large circle).  I am so proud of Maddy and her decision to be baptized and the young lady she is turning in to. 

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Congrats Maddie. It was so nice to be there. I am so proud of you.

Pam, when is that baby going to come. I need my baby fix.