Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Four Year Olds!

So today Maddy was watching the movie "Air Bud" and I wasn't really paying attention to it, nor had we seen it before. I was sitting on the couch and I look over at Maddy and she has this very sad look on her face and big tears in her eyes and being a little worried, I asked what was wrong. She then says, as she is fighting back the tears, "Why is he leaving his dog all alone? That is so sad, why is he leaving him?" I couldn't believe how upset she was about this movie and how closely she had been paying attention. Micha came over and explained to Maddy why the little boy was leaving the dog and Maddy just kept saying"It's just so sad." It was just one of those moments when you see how sweet and loving a child can be.(For those who haven't seen the movie, the dog comes back to save the day and Maddy cheered when he returned!)

This is the conversation between Maddy and Aubrey McCabe:
Aubrey-"Maddy, I am moving to Utah."
Maddy-"You are? Why?"
Aubrey-"My mom said that I am starting kindergarten and the kids here are mean and the kids in Utah are nice, so I need to move there."
Pam-"Are you sad to move?"
Maddy-"You mean you aren't going to miss me?"
Aubrey-"Don't worry Maddy, you can fly on an airplane and visit me"
Maddy-"Aubrey, airplanes are very expensive, they cost a lot of money to fly on one!"

We are losing friends left and right to that state of Utah!!
Another one bites the dust!!


Jen T. said...

Just another reason why y'all should move out here! Micha's got his connections. You don't want Maddy to be at a school with mean kids next year do you?!!:) Ohhh teenagers!

jennifer rogers said...

penny needs to be quiet! You better not move out there for another 2 years!

Ingrid said...

HaHa. That sounds like something I would say on a day I hate Idaho. The kids here are mean, and the kids in Utah are nice. That's hilarious! Is your sister the one moving?

Candice said...

Maddy is so sweet - that's adorable about Air Bud!